Funding: Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Committee Engaged: Cooperating Technical Partners Subcommittee.

ASFPM supports Cooperating Technical Partners. The project involves documenting best practices and providing training. In conjunction with this effort, a Mapping and Engineering Standards Subcommittee has been established that focuses on CTPs.

Alan Lulloff with the ASFPM executive office is on the FEMA CTP Community of Practice Steering Committee and was part of the FEMA five-year CTP Integrated Planning Team. The ASFPM Board of Directors recently passed a resolution supporting FEMA’s Cooperating Technical Partners program. ASFPM highlights that the program is just as much about building partnerships as it is about mapping Special Flood Hazard Areas.

As part of this initiative, ASFPM helped FEMA set up and hosts the CTP Mentoring Network Program. The peer-to-peer network is hosted on cloud-based team communication software called Basecamp. The goal of the CTP Mentoring Network is to provide a professional platform so that CTPs can make connections, share information and experiences, and discuss relevant topics through an accessible, peer-to-peer channel.

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